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The two 56K chip-sets, despite being compatible with V. Hopefully, the ITU will help the two companies find some middle ground. Doom II slips into eighth place, and Daggerfall makes its grand debut at number ten. You'll no longer find the CGW Poll Card bound into the maga- zine, but check your mailbox; We mail a survey to 2, randomly chosen subscribers each month, and we use the results to calcu- late the Top and Playing Lately each month.
Last Month Months On Chart 1. Civilization II MicroProse 1 9 2. Duke Nukem 3D 3D Realms 2 10 3. WarCraft II Blizzard 3 12 4. Command and Conquer VirginAVestwood 4 15 5. MechWarrior 2 Activision 5 14 6. Quake id Software 7 2 7. Doom II id Software 6 11 9. Steel Panthers SSI 9 14 Daggerfall Berthesda - 1 cheer.
Yes, the graphics are excellent, but the interface is also more navigable and the play editor more robust. The Al-especialiy for player trades-has been upgrad- ed, and the new playbooks include the trendiest zone blilzes and reverses.
Simulating a season still takes a while, but the Win 95 inter- face lets you minimize the applica- tion so that CGW editors can meet their deadlines. Best of all, earlier oddities in the program- ming, such as wide receivers turn- ing around to catch most passes, have been corrected. What else can we say? It's a winner.
Your troops are exhausted. You face an intensely fierce Persian army. Yet you have one strength that overcomes all weakness, You are Alexander the Great.
Or a brain. Or quic feet. Other times, you need all of the above plu grenades, a shotgun and a matching pai of nine millimeters. Especially when everything looks this good. In the game, we mean. Check out Tomb Raider at www. V I idos. But what makes FN2 unique is the Commandant multiplayer module. One player takes the role of team commandant, handing out assignments to both humans flying Harriers and SuperCobras, and Al-contro!
As the game progresses, the Commandant can issue updated orders and new objectives to individ- ual players. In addition to LAN play, the game should be playable over the Internet and via an online gaming service, so you should never have trouble finding an opponent.
FN2 is currently slated for a March ship date. And you can erect those finely sculpted trees— and dig those insidious sand traps— with the easy-to-use, revamped course editor, a wonderful tool that both PGA Tour 96 and Links LS lack. The competitive level of the computer players for now lies somewhere between the Palmer opponent in Links LS and the multiple pros you face in PGA Tour Most should be released soon.
That, in a nutshell, is this game. But before anyone starts ranting on about the evils of violence In com- puter games, it's worth pointing out that nothing you kill in the game bears any resemblance to the crea- tures that inhabit our wonderful world.
They're aliens; they deserve to diel Essentially a shoot 'em up, MDK is a remarkably sophisticated game with beautifully drawn futuristic cityscapes. Since nothing you meet will be friendly, the idea is to shoot first and ask questions later.
But there's more to MDK than ham- mering at the tire button. Switch to sniper view and you'll be able to zoom in on any part of your foe's anatomy without a hint of pixelation , enabling you to select where you hit a target.
Not even the mighty Quake lets you do that. And if it seems sadistic, there's a valid reason tor It; when aliens spot a wounded comrade, they'll rush to his aid, allowing you to pick them off at leisure. Sneaky, huh? In addition to his sniping helmet, our hero Kurt is equipped with a parachute that you can open or close to control the speed of descent while tiring at nearby targets.
The attention to detail is what makes MDK shine. The graphics ate clear, crisp and bright— not a dull dungeon wall to be seen any- where. Aliens range from big and menacing to spindly and comical. Platforms, airborne surfboards for you to ride, glass floors to smash through, forcefields and Hunter- Killer style spaceships pep up gameplay.
What can we do with that? So far, the beta version of the computer game shows a lot of promise in its own right. When the story opens in both the film and the game , the little brother of a circus strongman named One is kid- napped by a mysterious group of men and carted away in a van.
In the game, you play the part of Miette, and your search for the chil- dren takes you through a pretty standard set of adventure game challenges-finding objects, solving logic problems, get- ting past barriers and so on. What helps set the game apart is its beau- tiful, bizarre look, which is quite faithful to that of the film. Or how ATT new 3D iccelerafoi: technology breathes life into everything on your screen. All because we build more features right onto the board than Matrox.
Diamond or anyone else. Really cool stuff like Gouraud shading, bi-linear filtering, perspective-correct V texture mapping and fog effects. Which, as we all know, means scarier realism and faster response than dad's Porsche flat out on the freeway. Available in 2MB or 4MB versions. See it now at your dealer. After playing a few games of Sole Survivor at Westwood's offices, we were hooked.
Instead, you only command a single unit, and your only mission is to eventually kill everyone else. The choice is yours, and ultimately, the goal of each game is to use whatever violent or treacherous means necessary to ensure that you are the sole survivor of the fray. So we asked the folks behind Sole Survivor a few questions, to give us the full picture of their Internet-only game. What is Sole Survivor?
You command a single unit and focus on survival and acquisition instead of pro- duction. The challenge is to collect power-ups that make you the deadliest unit in the game. How is the game being devel- oped? Bill Randolph is heading up the development effort for us. We expect to begin an open beta as early as February and, hopefully. It will be available to all our fans by late March, Q. How and where can people sign up for beta testing? Westwood already has a comprehensive online presence includ- ing a Web site, ftp site, online chat and game matchmaking services.
Where can you play it? Anyone with direct Internet access can log on to the Westwood game server to play. How will Sole Survivor be priced? We're not sure right now. We want the game to be accessible to all our friends and fans around the world.
What kind of system do you need to play? Sole Survivor is also hi-res only. How big are the Sole Survivor battlefields? What variety is there to the battle- fields, and will you be able to select the ones you play on?
The server will randomly select the battle- fields. Will there be any units from Red Alert included? As soon as I jumped into the game, I knew I had been here before. The games that I played did boil down to kill-or-be-killed deathmatches, and the point was to rack up as many kills as possible. Obviously, the game hasn't been play balanced yet, but for the task of dealing death, I always gravitated to either the striking speed of the recon bike or the sheer power of the mammoth tank.
You will die a lot. You can choose to change vehicles, but when you do, the game will deduct from your overall kill list. Sole Survivor will likely allow a maximum of 50 players to duke it out on the battlefield. Each unit is rated in three different characteristics: armor, weapons, and speed. Mammoth tanks have the best armor and weapon power but the lowest speed.
Recon bikes have the highest speed but significantly lower weapon and armor ratings. Each unit also has a health bar, with the heavier units obviously having more health points than the weaker units.
Of course, if all you had to do was hop into a unit and shoot people. Sole Survivor would get boring and frustrating. Units like the mammoth tank would crush the lesser units, like puny little riflemen.
Thankfully, Westwood is spicing up play by adding power-ups to the battlefield. Every map is peppered with crates. Within each crate lie power-ups and special items. There are power-ups that increase your three primary stats-armor, weapons, and speed— as well as health crates that heal your unit if it is damaged.
There are also special crates that will cloak you. FEBRUARY The darkness of ancient Egypt and evil alien weapons like hand grenades, a flame thrower, forces, possessing horrifying powers, have taken an M60 machine gun and a magical cobra staff, possession of the ancient city of Karnak.
And Dynamic lighting allows for stunning visual tliese landlords are exacting extremely high rents. Cross bridges, crawl through tunnels and Like an arm and a leg Your only Airdropped into first person and diird person salvation is the guiding Spirit of the Great landscapes, you must swim, crawl and otherwise Pharaoh Ramses.
And enjoy your stay. It may last forever. This means we will have the opportunity to add power-ups and other game enhancements and variations. What is Westwood doing to better balance the game?
You could start out with the Artillery Unit, get the speed of a Recon Bike, the armor strength of a Mammoth Tank and the shot power of a Rocket Launcher. The fun is a combination of hide-n-seek, direct confrontation and how you choose to pick your fights. All of this depends on how wise and lucky you are in collecting your power-up crates. What other types of gameplay will there be besides death match? Will you be releasing new units or battlefields for download after people have purchased the game?
What can people look forward to in future upgrades, if you upgrade the game at all? There will be downloads and auto updates that add battlefields, power-ups and other features to the game periodi- cally. Then there are other, less beneficial crates, that will destroy you with an ion blast, rip up the surrounding terrain with a nuclear detonation, or decloak your invisible unit.
Even a tiny unit like the Recon Bike can become a formidable opponent it it has five weapon, armor and speed power-ups each. A mam- moth tank is especially deadly with a surplus of speed power-ups. However, to better balance the game, as you pick up more and more beneficial power-ups, the likelihood of picking up a bad crate will increase so that the really powerful players are more likely to get zapped, while the less powerful are more likely to pick up helpful items.
The map starts out black, and as you move, the areas around you become visible. However, certain crates will reshroud the map. Westwood is thinking about putting in an auto-target key, so you can press a key to click the closest target. There are other aspects of the game that are still being determined and questions that were left unanswered even after I played the game. However, Sole Survivor, with its simple and addictive gameplay, looks very promis- ing.
With support for up to 50 players at once, it could attract a huge follow- ing over the Internet. This cloaked unit will get the jump on Speed and Cativa.
You're tired of having your tall waxed by those mangy Kllrathl. Or you're kicking yourself for Investing so much lime In Doom Kloive but you want to see the fireworks at the end. The solution?
Type the magic word, Invoke the powers of the developers, and cheat. Wreak unimpeded havoc on enemy ships after a tough day at work. Or breeze past that seemingly Impossible end-of-level chal- lenge that's kept an otherwise Intriguing game on the shelf for so long.
Because sometimes honor has to be put aside in the name of lun. CIA Unlimited ammo for weapons 3. XRAY Gives image enhancement plus the abili- ty to see through objects Legacy Hold down Ctrl, Alt, and Shift and type the appro- priate code. KENT Invulnerability PUTZ mission over DORCS shows the guys PALEX BURR DRONE JUMBO TIK kill targeted mech heat tracking off unlimited ammo kills all mechs free eye mode jets on any mech unlimited jet juice time expansion toggle time compression mini camera collision spheres Shattered Steel Press Enter and type any of these codes al the prompt lo activate.
DOGAN STOOL Wing Commander III is similar. Use the com- mand line wc3 -mitchell and while in combat Ctrl-W will kill a locked-on enemy, and Ctrl-Alt- W will destroy all enemies in the radar map.
For Wing Commander IV, use the command line wc4 -chicken. These controls should work: Ctrl-W to destroy targeted enemy, Ctrl-Alt-W to destroy all enemies on radar, and Alt-0 to become invulnerable.
X-Wing BATAT full life Dads full armament You want it all. But, if you upgrade to Win 95, it will really hose your DOS games. When you turn on your machine. System Commander gives you a menu. Pick the operating sys- tem you want and with the touch of a button System Commander does the rest. It manages unique copies of configura- tion files for each installation of DOS, Windows 95 or any other operating system. Instail your games Into the OS for which they were designed and play them immedi- ately!
Call our by February 28, And It still comes with an unconditional day money back guarantee. Call today and play your brains out tomorrowl Available in the utilities section of most major software stores, including: V Communications, Inc.
PST will be shipped the next business day. No Saturday delivery. Standard shipping outside US. CA res. Offer subject to change without notice. Ali iogos and product names are trademarlts or registered trademarks of their respoctivo companies. Comanche: Maximu m Overkill Falcon 3. Shift-T time of day Shift-U look down Ctrl-Alt-5 auto level While in Camera mode use the following: Hold Ctrl for fine tuning Red Baron Put your plane in a lorward slip full rudder Just type these in as your login name it's case sensitive to activate the cheat modes.
Flamdwyn Aiobhell infinite weapons Alt-T overtorque toggle. Ctrl-T terrain following toggle Alt-V no Fuel SHFT-V refuel Shift-Ctrl-Alt-Tab with overtorque off Speed warp.
Each successive press of Tab with the other keys held down will cycle warp through It only works from the front. Monster Truck Madness Type TREX and your monster truck will turn into a real monster-a robotic dinosaur! Battledrome You'll find that you have all the money you need to buy the best equipment for your battles in the arena.
EatthSiege From the main menu, start or resume a campaign. Now go back to the main menu and select single mission. Choose any of the mis- sions offered. Enter the briefing, then click on armament. Grab a big hulking Here.
Return to the briefing and cancel the single mission. Resume the campaign from the main menu, play the first assigned mission, then save. Java enables cheats Shazam invincibility Cameo warp tunnel autopilot Vitaminz full fuel and ammo Scotty Infinite warp Iseeu view all enemies on the map Zoomerz time acceleration Bogons shows design team Boxes target boxes Dust fly through ships and objects Shift-f12 low res mode Voizis finish mission Voizif fails mission TFX In flight, Shift-D gives you full ammunition, rockets and chaff.
Inferno In addition, pause the game using Alt-P and press numbers 1 thru 7 to award the corre- sponding combat pod. Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis Just press the Insert key during a fight to defeat your enemy. Then, during the game; T Raise level M Restore all magic Alt-F2 Increase attack power BOGUS In multiplayer, cheats effect both sides. Ctrl-Alt-Left Shift gives full energy in space dogfights.
Harvester BRUCE god mode NICK full health Click on one to jump to it. Press alt-Shift-i to skip orbit puzzle. Ultima VI You can get objects, power-up your team, and look at portraits of people in the game.
You must experiment a bit with the object list. ZZTOP web runner's archive sliding puzzle Each chest contains the items needed to finish that chapter, and an option to heal all characters. Just use Ihe cheat trick, in conjunction with these level codes, and you can beat every chapter: Chapter Chapter 3: Chapter 5: Chapter 8: You'll help Klaymen avoid pitfallsi collect clues, and kick a little clay butt.
At least, as I! Replace with the number of the mission you want to warp to. ORC Warp to any ore mission. Command and Conquer: Covert Operations Get 10,, pennies; works only three times per game. Chaos Overlords When asked to type in your name before a one- player game, type one of these codes instead: QEEN Makes anolhet queen in the nest works only when you are underground.
RAND Gives the yellow ant full health. A little cheat magic can I speed conslmction and research. You can cast all learn- able spells, including the Spell of Mastery, and get a fair amount of mana. Wizards also get this. HOLE Creates many more ant nest holes. JEFF Places a new black ant colony in every single tile in the yard and house.
WILL Never lose a light against a red ant. JOKE Shows a joke. SUSf Unlimited health for the yellow ant. JENN Unlimited health for the black colony. MICK Makes the spider walk backward. FRED See how it looks if you win the game Weird Spider: Did you know that you can make the spider shoot laser beams at ants?
Did you know that you can make it walk back- wards? To see these, click on the blank mys- tery button a few times. Be careful, for you may have fo click if many times and many other strange phenomena may occur. The menu enabies these cheats: Sim Life SEED Plants seeds around world. BABY Makes every female of the selected animal species give birth. JUST Makes a funny noise. Normally barriers, toxins, mutagens, and Ultra-Food Sources can't block fly- ing animals, but while this toggle is on, not only will barriers turn into walls, but all artifacts can block flying animals.
FUND Shows a window wifh three choices. Save the game and exit. Start SimCity again and load your city. Unpause game and play. Repeat this process whenever you are low in money. Start the sce- nario. Save the game. Restart and load the saved scenario. It wili be yours! When this is used on plant species, their food and water rates are affected.
Here are the cheat codes that we know about. Pause the game. Type FUND in all-caps. You will have 10, more dollars. The simulation will not allow you to have more than that. Don't unpause the game yet or countless earth- Her face will be in a frying pani RobotsI: There is another class of life not explained in the manual, the robot. Robots are able to survive everywhere, including on rock, arctic, and ocean. Robots can evolve sentience, loo, but because they are already so advanced, they will not be able to have stone age, bronze age, or iron age cities.
They will begin civilization at the level of the industrial age. To create robots, simply place one nanotech city of any life form and set an atomic test on it.
Robots in the cify will escape and live as sep- arate life tormsi Click on top of tool bar to make these work. NOAH Starts a flood Puli down the Window menu and select Budget. To the right of Bond Payments, you will see an open book. Click on it. Select the button Issue Bond and click on Yes. Select the Repay Bond button to repay the first bond. Select the but- ton Issue Bond and click on Yes.
Select the Repay Bond button to repay the second bond. Select Issue Bond and click on Yes. Colonization After you have started playing, try holding K during a load for Knights in your army and Knights protecting the castle.
Stronghold Alt-B Change building type by one Alt-F Change building type by ten Alt-K Destroy a random enemy stronghold Ctrl-Z All attractions Alt-Z All shops Shift-Z and Enter-Z enable for features like toilets and trees.
A promise kept. A heart opened. Trust is the shiny jewel glistening brightly in the rock of friendship. Then, like any rock, it can be a powerful tool.
Trust is indeed a shiny jewel. Emperor of the pDirt,5iirf5 A military strategy game in space. Alt-P Promote your character Alt-L Increase character level press repeat- edly, then click on character Alt-Z Destroy enemy units on screen Minesweeper When you move over a covered square with a mine, a pixel very small at the top right corner of the screen with be black. Metal Marines - Ctrl-F9 Cause traffic pile up Ctrl-F10 Disaster strikes Ctrl-FII Recoup resources Gobliiins Type in the code at any time to skip directly to these levels: Crusader: No.
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Mast Is the subscription director for Ziff-Davis Publications. Then click on the title of Interest. Each demo has its own instruc- tions for installation. Click on Patches under the Features, and then read the text window that has instructions on copying the files to your hard drive. We strongly recommend that you back up any previously saved games before Installing a patch, as this may overwrite your existing program.
In your strategic quest for galactic supremacy, the Antarians eagerly await to exact their vengeance. Play it solitaire. Play it with friends over LAN. Available on pc cd-rom Plav a hot seat game or via modem. Just play it. Outslanding: The rare game that gets it all right.
The graph- ics. Our strongest buying recommendation. Very Good: A high-quality game that succeeds in many areas. May have minor prob- lems. Average: A mixed bag. Can be a game that reaches for the stars, but falls short in several ways. Can also be a game that does what it does well, but lacks flair or originality.
Weak: A game with serious prob- lems. Usually buggy, seriously lacking in play value, or just a poorly conceived game design— you should think long and hard before buying it, Abysmal: The rare game that gets it all wrong. This is reserved for hose products so buggy, ill-con- ceived or value- less hat you won- der why they were ever released in the first place.
COM For a limited time, get the award-winning Marathon 2 for just through our secure web store, plus have a chance to win free t-shirts. Just for paying a visit! Based on season data, Power FI features the official cars, drivers and tracks to strap you into a visualjy entertaining and exciting racing game with an arcade feel that puts the emphasis on fun! Uos Unctin. UKnsedb ilocatofqitdefism. Over the next six months or so, you'ii read lots of cheerlead- ing about this most recent storage technology.
At that time, the ability to produce compact discs with more than MB of data seemed phe- nomenal. After all, many comput- ers were then being sold with 40 MB hard drives. The use of these technologies alone would expand the scope of computer games.
All publishers had to worry about was filling up the discs. Some pundits even suggested that it would be too expensive to fill up the discs.
They are still primarily games where the plot or score advances more by mechanical applications of artificial puzzle solufions, bullets and biceps, or resource management than by human applications in conversa- tion, diplomacy and empathy.
It will handle single layer discs with 4. Reading a DVD disc, data flows at about 1. Even then, we expect a few deluxe DVD editions of popular games to lead the way rather than a wholesale adoption of DVD as the anticipated storage medium. First, the greatly increased storage capacity will, once again, reduce the cost of goods for the average game and. As with CD-ROM, it is unlikely that the technology will reduce prices, but it may keep them stable through the end of the millennium.
Windows is a registered tadomark ol Microsoft Coiporaiwn in the United States amS'or other coimUies All other ntoducl and company names are trarlemarks of their respectiva companies. TigerDipect 1 - - USS plus applicable taxes and shipping. Processor Intensity may Impede fullbll Implementation on fast-paced real- time games, but 3D graphics cards should assist in that area.
Third, the extra storage will allow for CO quality soundtracks, another reason deluxe DVD editions will sell. Imagine a role-playing game with a conversa- tional database of several GB. Non- player characters can have more detailed conversations with your characters and character knowledge can be cross-referenced more effec- tively. The games could conceivably become richer, but they may raise development budgets yet again. This may keep some worthy games available in the channel because several games will be available in the shelf space that normally would be taken by a single-title.
We hope not. The inception of CD- ROM games caused publishers to engage in a star chase where everyone tried to hire as many out- of-work and retired actors with name recognition as possible. Then, we ended up with tired per- formances which added a great deal to game budgets and very lit- tle to game value. Gamers want to feel like they are really changing the face of game events, that the nuances of their decisions ripple through a game and change the game world.
Whether these decisions are real- time or turn-based, digitized video offers a feeling of closed-ended- ness. This, in turn, creates a feeling of redundancy that reduces the satisfaction level and makes the game world less credible. DVD is a stor- age solution. Although some gaming compa- nies already have DVD titles in development, most of them are deluxe editions of previously released games. You may read DVD hype else- where, but you won't see it here.
And Secretary J. Wright U. Copyrighl c Ziff-Davis Publishing Division. All Rights Reserved. Material In this publication may not be reproduced in any form without permission. Computer Gaming World is not aftijialed with Your job. Commander: take control of these subterranean lifeforms and roll over the civilizations of your enemies.
Play vs. Dig it or Get Buried! In the beginning, you have primitive weapons and magic and your empire is small. Manage your population and your troops, mine rich mineral deposits to forge new weapons, efifectively researcli new technologies, and rediscover the lost spells of Gimlor.
Now kick, some serious butt and the vast levels of caverns will be yours! Spotter and crew chief audio lets you know where the competition is as you race door-to- door with up to 39 other cars. All rights reserveil. Papfrvs and Pspfw! The name ol and likeness of Date Marcis and the name, marks and race car design ol the Msrcis right to use Ihe name, likeness and image ol Hendrick Molorsports car »24 DuPont Aulomolive finishes and Jell Gordon are granted under license from JG Molorsporis.
Proctor and Gamble hare licensed these rights to Papyrus Design Group's name. The family Channel trademarks. Goodyear land winged tool designi vm NAPA. The Atlanta Molar Speedway is a regislered trademark, the mark and track likeness are used under license horn Ihe Atlania Motor Speedway.
We asked and received his permission to print the letter in te entirety. For almost a decade, now. I've made a positive contribu- tion. But the one lime I seriously screwed up, 1 managed to wipe out ail the accuniuiatcd good will and respect I may have acquired up to that time.
At least I learned my lesson; when die editors asked me to do a review of ClosI'' COMIWI', one that would apjicar more or less contemporaneous with the strategy' guide 1 had written for Microsoft, I flatly refused. So for two solid weeks, 12 or more hours a day. Dnfortunately', the testing methodology used to niciisurc 30 perfonnance w'as faulty and did not adequately re] re.
Iftrst, the results pub- lished ill your article cannot be rc[ ro- diiced by Matrox vvlien following the same melhodologv' on a comparable. Our te. Because of this limitation, and testing methodology, the results simply indicalc how each product would behave in one partic- ular instance of that specific game, and therefore, docs not a] pro] riatcly rank how each 3D hoard could jicr- fonii in any D5D game.
Command one of 55 missions and pilot 1 9 different types of aircraft included in Over the Reich. Although ou do acknowledge, in the sidebar, that using I! In llie end, tliis 3D accelerator feature fails to correctlv depict the benefits of using a mainstream 3D hardware accelerator such as the Matrox Mvstique in a real world application- 'Ihc test measurements, and therefore the ranking given for each jiroduct, arc both inconclusive and erroneous.
As a manufacturer of 3D hard- ware, Matrox relies on industrv influ- encers such as Computer Gaming World to educate readers, and accurately mea- sure, the impact of new technolo- gies. Instead, wc arc very disap- pointed to. Given my mind- set at tlie time,! Call me naive, call me shipid, cal! I Ofcoursc,t! Iknow, but i tlie tmth. It really did not occur to! At least, since you do acknowledge that these tests were only the beginning of a series of me, until after 1 started getting a merciless on-line flaming about tlie matter, that 1 might be perceived to have a conflict of interest.
And not until ihe other reviews came out, especially the scathing one in C3GVV, did my blinders come off with regard to the game itself. Once h u I have fpaid a very I high price indeed for let- ting my guard down, yy those reviewn did come out, 1 went back and replayed the game, and discovered, to my' chagrin, that my colleagues were absolutely right: it urn a half-baked and essentially hol- low' game, all surface flash and pre- cious little substance.
I walked into the situation with my eyes wide 0[3cn and i got cold-cocked. I look forw'ard to reading your infomied and rcfrcsliingly w itty col- umn for many years to come, and 1 hope some day to liav'C the pleasure of meeting y'oii.
William 'Ihtier Creensbom. Viis improves game speed and benefits gamers in the long run. It promises wild, irreverent fun, regardless of your personalities. Except now you have all new and enhanced tools to assist you in your quest to expand your empire and assert dominion over the land. Strengthen castle defense by erecting turrets and building moats clearly one of the best strategy year, for that matter. All other trademarks belong to their respective holders.
I for one am sick and tired of people in your magazine — and in various newsgroups — griping and moaning about the lack or inadequacy of mul- tiplayer gaming. Come on game companies! Give me w'cll-designed and balanced games— give me games I can load, [ lay for a while and then quit for more productive things! In the interest of preventing such mistakes in the future, the par- ties responsible, and their vil- lages, have been sacked.
The world of Fable combines stunning animations with progressive puzzles, curious characters and oudandish events, all topped off with a twisted sense of humor.
Tentatively titled Zork; The Grand Inquisitor, and scheduled for a September release, the new game represents Activision's revitalized effort to "let Zork be Zorky," according to designer and writer Margie Stohl. While Nemesis was quite successful in its own right, many longtime fans considered if rather dark for the spirit of the series.
This time, says direc- tor Laird Malamed, the design team will attempt "to embrace what was wonderful about the old text adventures-a fantasy world with an under- current of humor. An evil character named Mir Yannick has just seized complete power over the Land through his mastery of technology. Magic, which disap- peared in the year , has "We're try- ing to make the interac- tion more refined, so you can do things like put steak sauce in a toaster oven, and get a reaction.
This mock-up is not representative of actual gameplay. The Dungeon Master becomes your guide throughout the early part of the game, until he embarks on his own story arc. The Grand Inquisitor will use the same degree panning engine as Nemesis, but lead pro- grammer Michael Douglas is working on a few major refine- ments. An inventory screen is being added, which will allow you to manipulate items with each other, rather than with the environment alone, along with a spelibook, which will hold the magic spells you'll need to ulti- mately defeat the Inquisitor.
Graphics-wise, the team is still evaluating whether to continue with the photorealistic, FMV- heavy look of Nemesis or go with a 3D animated approach. The screen shot shown here is con- cept art only. Douglas's overall goal in refin- ing the engine was to make the entire Zork world more interac- tive.
In a world of Doom clones, it's always refreshing to see a different kind of game. What is most unusual, though, is when that game exceeds expectations and amazes gamers with its very different style of gameplay. What is new though, is the excellent execu- tion and the sheer beauty of the game. The environment is true 3D, and in hi-res mode, this game shines with incredible beauty.
The gameplay is also very nice and reminds me of Mario 64 on the graphically brilliant Nintendo In fact, these two games play similarly, and while Tomb Raider fails to capture the true 3D movement and gameplay of Mario 64, it comes very close. We feel a big responsibility to show people their Zork. After the Diablo introduction you'll see a class selection display and then the battle.
With one simple click, and a short wait tor a connection, we were in. It was that easy. Anyone who fears any sort of hacking or headaches in connecting to Blizzard's online service can rest easy.
The process is amazingly simple. And once you're in, the interface is well set up. You can choose to enter chat rooms, create an adventuring group, or join a group already in progress. Blizzard is offering the battle. Diablo is the first battle. Blizzard plans to put more of its games on the service as they become avail- able.
For more information on the Red Alert announce- ment, turn to our website at www. Chin Raider is a 3D, third-person platform shooter, where you play a female adventurer, Lara Croft, attempting to find the missing pieces of an arti- fact called the Scion.
The graphics, which are in breath- taking 3D, are spectacular when accelerated on 3D boards such as the 3Dfx or Rendition parts. Next month, we'll bring you an in-depth review Curtis is a young technical writer at a sinis- ter pharmaceutical company who's afraid he's losing his mind. He's bothered by horrifying visions and receives e-mail from Hell- literally. The end result, however, is neither fun nor enter- taining. At least the sex in this Phantasmagoria is consensual. This year's highiights include new graph- ics chip-sets, 3D audio that actuaily works, faster modems, and new stor- age devices, among others.
Most notably, it moves up one step in the 3D pipeiine to handie rasterization setup. Hercules has already announced a board based on ET, due to ship this spring. There was a fair amount of buzz about new modems boasting a peak downstream data rate of 56 Kbps, neariy twice the throughput of cur- rent V. There may, how- ever, be a smaii ruckus brewing since different chip-sets introduced by two major modem players are currently incompatible see related story later in this section.
Eizo the moni- tor maker formeriy known as Nanao displayed a inch monitor that was remarkable not so much for its image quaiity, which is sharp, but for the Universal Serial Bus port found on its side, imagine being abie to daisy- chain your keyboard, mouse, joystick and gamepad from your monitor, and eliminate all that clutter going to your CPU.
Eizo expects to ship its i-Station monitors this spring. Another buzzing technology at the show this year was DVD, with Pioneer. Panasonic, Mitsubishi, Toshiba and Yamaha all showing their works in progress. For gamers. The ancient cam- paigns are a wonderful change of pace, forcing you to conquer the known world as Alexander and Genghis Khan did, without the benefit of tanks and stealth bombers.
However, it seems that Mission Studios saved the best for last, and with the last-minute addi- tions to the terrain engine, the game has actu- ally leaped to the front of the technical pack. The accurate Chilean landscape over which most of the combat occurs is breathtaking, with huge mountains, deep valleys to buzz through, and wispy clouds. Windows''95 Absolute 3D graphics.
You want them to scream You want them to be real. When you match S3d logo hardware with S3d logo software, you get the best 2D graphics the most realistic 3D, and an affordable price. Find S3d on accelerator boards. The Why; You want 3D so real it screams. Canopus has added features and tweaked performance, making the Total 3D a solid, well- rounded, single-slot solution for 2D and 3D acceleration. In addition to the standard 2D and 3D graphics features, the Total 3D is the first Rendition-based card to offer support for stereoscopic VR glasses.
In addition, there's support for Spatializer 3D audio. Performance is probably the best of he Verite set. In addition. Total 3D supports true color 32 bit at x, the only Verity card to date that can do this— and does it at a brisk 85 Hz refresh rale. The 3D performance isn't shabby, either. Like all Verite cards. The Canopus card will improve Quake frame rates, and adds bilinear filter- ing and anti-aliasing. At x, we saw frame rates at the starting level of IndvCar 2 is also stunning, especially on the new enhanced tracks.
Canopus, a new player in the US market, is the biggest graphics card manufacturer in Japan. They also manufacture the Sierra Screamin' 3D, which was one of the leading performers in our December graph- ics card roundup.
The game includes a plethora of adjustable detail parameters so you can adjust the frame rate to suit your desires. The flight model here is very light, and the game is far more about air-to-air action than realism. Still, no sim has captured the feel of speed as well as JF III, and all but hard-core sticklers should give it a look.
Ultimate Risk brings gor- geous new maps of Europe, Asia, and North America, along with gaspi terrain effects. The fun chrome covers random events such as storms in the North Sea and plagues, while the alliance rule keeps diplomacy— always a cor- nerstone of Risk play— to the forefront.
And while the Al is actually OK, it's the multiplayer options including Internet that will keep this light, very enjoyable game on hard drives for many campaigns to come. And tKe roll of tlie die. Not since the invention of the broadsword has there been a more realistic way to experience the pace of battle. This animated DRAGON DICE adventure, begins in cons past, when the strength of the sword or the spell power of a sorcerer was the only difference between a glorious life, and a vicious, terrible death.
You'll have to use all of the games built-in computer dice to build your own dice armies, to scout enemies, and to avoid traps. It's the most true-to-life dice battle of strategy you've ever encountered. But beware, because only the extremely talented, or the unbelievably lucky will survive. Aii rights reserved. Artwork and design 0 Playmates interactive Entehainment inc. Your planet is being bulldozed by the ton. Six massive mobile mining cities, controlled by a force that nobody can stop, are strip mining the Earth's surface, overrunning and crushing anything in its path.
Unless you can stop them. Wllllll weapons and equipment including: -A helmet-mounted sniper rifle with vision goggles - target enemies from over miles away. Newer V. These buffers, like another train stop along the way, tend to increase latency, which slows down gameplay. Additionally, V. New 56K modems below nearly double their speed by leaving the downstream data in the digi- tal domain, eliminating the line noise that reduces bandwidth.
The new 56K modems achieve higher bandwidth by using only digital signaling on the server modem side, thereby elimi- nating certain kinds of line noise that can limit connection speed. The new 56K modems will be asymmetric, however, since their data rate from your PC will only be The two 56K chip-sets, despite being compatible with V. Hopefully, the ITU will help the two companies find some middle ground.
Doom II slips into eighth place, and Daggerfall makes its grand debut at number ten. You'll no longer find the CGW Poll Card bound into the maga- zine, but check your mailbox; We mail a survey to 2, randomly chosen subscribers each month, and we use the results to calcu- late the Top and Playing Lately each month.
Last Month Months On Chart 1. Civilization II MicroProse 1 9 2. Duke Nukem 3D 3D Realms 2 10 3. WarCraft II Blizzard 3 12 4. Command and Conquer VirginAVestwood 4 15 5. MechWarrior 2 Activision 5 14 6. Quake id Software 7 2 7. Doom II id Software 6 11 9.
Steel Panthers SSI 9 14 Daggerfall Berthesda - 1 cheer. Yes, the graphics are excellent, but the interface is also more navigable and the play editor more robust. The Al-especialiy for player trades-has been upgrad- ed, and the new playbooks include the trendiest zone blilzes and reverses.
Simulating a season still takes a while, but the Win 95 inter- face lets you minimize the applica- tion so that CGW editors can meet their deadlines. Best of all, earlier oddities in the program- ming, such as wide receivers turn- ing around to catch most passes, have been corrected. What else can we say? It's a winner. Your troops are exhausted. You face an intensely fierce Persian army.
Yet you have one strength that overcomes all weakness, You are Alexander the Great. Or a brain. Or quic feet. Other times, you need all of the above plu grenades, a shotgun and a matching pai of nine millimeters.
Especially when everything looks this good. In the game, we mean. Check out Tomb Raider at www. V I idos. But what makes FN2 unique is the Commandant multiplayer module. One player takes the role of team commandant, handing out assignments to both humans flying Harriers and SuperCobras, and Al-contro! As the game progresses, the Commandant can issue updated orders and new objectives to individ- ual players. In addition to LAN play, the game should be playable over the Internet and via an online gaming service, so you should never have trouble finding an opponent.
FN2 is currently slated for a March ship date. And you can erect those finely sculpted trees— and dig those insidious sand traps— with the easy-to-use, revamped course editor, a wonderful tool that both PGA Tour 96 and Links LS lack. The competitive level of the computer players for now lies somewhere between the Palmer opponent in Links LS and the multiple pros you face in PGA Tour Most should be released soon.
That, in a nutshell, is this game. But before anyone starts ranting on about the evils of violence In com- puter games, it's worth pointing out that nothing you kill in the game bears any resemblance to the crea- tures that inhabit our wonderful world.
They're aliens; they deserve to diel Essentially a shoot 'em up, MDK is a remarkably sophisticated game with beautifully drawn futuristic cityscapes. Since nothing you meet will be friendly, the idea is to shoot first and ask questions later. But there's more to MDK than ham- mering at the tire button. Switch to sniper view and you'll be able to zoom in on any part of your foe's anatomy without a hint of pixelation , enabling you to select where you hit a target.
Not even the mighty Quake lets you do that. And if it seems sadistic, there's a valid reason tor It; when aliens spot a wounded comrade, they'll rush to his aid, allowing you to pick them off at leisure. Sneaky, huh? In addition to his sniping helmet, our hero Kurt is equipped with a parachute that you can open or close to control the speed of descent while tiring at nearby targets.
The attention to detail is what makes MDK shine. The graphics ate clear, crisp and bright— not a dull dungeon wall to be seen any- where. Aliens range from big and menacing to spindly and comical.
Platforms, airborne surfboards for you to ride, glass floors to smash through, forcefields and Hunter- Killer style spaceships pep up gameplay. What can we do with that? So far, the beta version of the computer game shows a lot of promise in its own right. When the story opens in both the film and the game , the little brother of a circus strongman named One is kid- napped by a mysterious group of men and carted away in a van.
In the game, you play the part of Miette, and your search for the chil- dren takes you through a pretty standard set of adventure game challenges-finding objects, solving logic problems, get- ting past barriers and so on.
What helps set the game apart is its beau- tiful, bizarre look, which is quite faithful to that of the film. Or how ATT new 3D iccelerafoi: technology breathes life into everything on your screen. All because we build more features right onto the board than Matrox. Diamond or anyone else. Really cool stuff like Gouraud shading, bi-linear filtering, perspective-correct V texture mapping and fog effects. Which, as we all know, means scarier realism and faster response than dad's Porsche flat out on the freeway.
Available in 2MB or 4MB versions. See it now at your dealer. After playing a few games of Sole Survivor at Westwood's offices, we were hooked.
Instead, you only command a single unit, and your only mission is to eventually kill everyone else. The choice is yours, and ultimately, the goal of each game is to use whatever violent or treacherous means necessary to ensure that you are the sole survivor of the fray.
So we asked the folks behind Sole Survivor a few questions, to give us the full picture of their Internet-only game. What is Sole Survivor?
You command a single unit and focus on survival and acquisition instead of pro- duction. The challenge is to collect power-ups that make you the deadliest unit in the game. How is the game being devel- oped? Bill Randolph is heading up the development effort for us. We expect to begin an open beta as early as February and, hopefully. It will be available to all our fans by late March, Q. How and where can people sign up for beta testing?
Westwood already has a comprehensive online presence includ- ing a Web site, ftp site, online chat and game matchmaking services. Where can you play it? Anyone with direct Internet access can log on to the Westwood game server to play. How will Sole Survivor be priced? We're not sure right now. We want the game to be accessible to all our friends and fans around the world. What kind of system do you need to play? Sole Survivor is also hi-res only. How big are the Sole Survivor battlefields?
What variety is there to the battle- fields, and will you be able to select the ones you play on? The server will randomly select the battle- fields. Will there be any units from Red Alert included?
As soon as I jumped into the game, I knew I had been here before. The games that I played did boil down to kill-or-be-killed deathmatches, and the point was to rack up as many kills as possible. Obviously, the game hasn't been play balanced yet, but for the task of dealing death, I always gravitated to either the striking speed of the recon bike or the sheer power of the mammoth tank.
You will die a lot. You can choose to change vehicles, but when you do, the game will deduct from your overall kill list. Sole Survivor will likely allow a maximum of 50 players to duke it out on the battlefield. Each unit is rated in three different characteristics: armor, weapons, and speed. Mammoth tanks have the best armor and weapon power but the lowest speed. Recon bikes have the highest speed but significantly lower weapon and armor ratings.
Each unit also has a health bar, with the heavier units obviously having more health points than the weaker units. Of course, if all you had to do was hop into a unit and shoot people.
Sole Survivor would get boring and frustrating. Units like the mammoth tank would crush the lesser units, like puny little riflemen. Thankfully, Westwood is spicing up play by adding power-ups to the battlefield.
Every map is peppered with crates. Within each crate lie power-ups and special items. There are power-ups that increase your three primary stats-armor, weapons, and speed— as well as health crates that heal your unit if it is damaged. There are also special crates that will cloak you. FEBRUARY The darkness of ancient Egypt and evil alien weapons like hand grenades, a flame thrower, forces, possessing horrifying powers, have taken an M60 machine gun and a magical cobra staff, possession of the ancient city of Karnak.
And Dynamic lighting allows for stunning visual tliese landlords are exacting extremely high rents. Cross bridges, crawl through tunnels and Like an arm and a leg Your only Airdropped into first person and diird person salvation is the guiding Spirit of the Great landscapes, you must swim, crawl and otherwise Pharaoh Ramses. And enjoy your stay. It may last forever. This means we will have the opportunity to add power-ups and other game enhancements and variations. What is Westwood doing to better balance the game?
You could start out with the Artillery Unit, get the speed of a Recon Bike, the armor strength of a Mammoth Tank and the shot power of a Rocket Launcher. The fun is a combination of hide-n-seek, direct confrontation and how you choose to pick your fights. All of this depends on how wise and lucky you are in collecting your power-up crates. What other types of gameplay will there be besides death match?
Will you be releasing new units or battlefields for download after people have purchased the game? What can people look forward to in future upgrades, if you upgrade the game at all? There will be downloads and auto updates that add battlefields, power-ups and other features to the game periodi- cally.
Then there are other, less beneficial crates, that will destroy you with an ion blast, rip up the surrounding terrain with a nuclear detonation, or decloak your invisible unit. Even a tiny unit like the Recon Bike can become a formidable opponent it it has five weapon, armor and speed power-ups each. A mam- moth tank is especially deadly with a surplus of speed power-ups. However, to better balance the game, as you pick up more and more beneficial power-ups, the likelihood of picking up a bad crate will increase so that the really powerful players are more likely to get zapped, while the less powerful are more likely to pick up helpful items.
The map starts out black, and as you move, the areas around you become visible. However, certain crates will reshroud the map. Westwood is thinking about putting in an auto-target key, so you can press a key to click the closest target. There are other aspects of the game that are still being determined and questions that were left unanswered even after I played the game.
However, Sole Survivor, with its simple and addictive gameplay, looks very promis- ing. With support for up to 50 players at once, it could attract a huge follow- ing over the Internet. This cloaked unit will get the jump on Speed and Cativa. You're tired of having your tall waxed by those mangy Kllrathl. Or you're kicking yourself for Investing so much lime In Doom Kloive but you want to see the fireworks at the end.
The solution? Type the magic word, Invoke the powers of the developers, and cheat. Wreak unimpeded havoc on enemy ships after a tough day at work. Or breeze past that seemingly Impossible end-of-level chal- lenge that's kept an otherwise Intriguing game on the shelf for so long.
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Ali iogos and product names are trademarlts or registered trademarks of their respoctivo companies. Comanche: Maximu m Overkill Falcon 3.
Shift-T time of day Shift-U look down Ctrl-Alt-5 auto level While in Camera mode use the following: Hold Ctrl for fine tuning Red Baron Put your plane in a lorward slip full rudder Just type these in as your login name it's case sensitive to activate the cheat modes. Flamdwyn Aiobhell infinite weapons Alt-T overtorque toggle.
Ctrl-T terrain following toggle Alt-V no Fuel SHFT-V refuel Shift-Ctrl-Alt-Tab with overtorque off Speed warp. Each successive press of Tab with the other keys held down will cycle warp through It only works from the front. Monster Truck Madness Type TREX and your monster truck will turn into a real monster-a robotic dinosaur!
Battledrome You'll find that you have all the money you need to buy the best equipment for your battles in the arena. EatthSiege From the main menu, start or resume a campaign. Now go back to the main menu and select single mission. Choose any of the mis- sions offered. Enter the briefing, then click on armament. Grab a big hulking Here. Return to the briefing and cancel the single mission. Resume the campaign from the main menu, play the first assigned mission, then save.
Java enables cheats Shazam invincibility Cameo warp tunnel autopilot Vitaminz full fuel and ammo Scotty Infinite warp Iseeu view all enemies on the map Zoomerz time acceleration Bogons shows design team Boxes target boxes Dust fly through ships and objects Shift-f12 low res mode Voizis finish mission Voizif fails mission TFX In flight, Shift-D gives you full ammunition, rockets and chaff.
Inferno In addition, pause the game using Alt-P and press numbers 1 thru 7 to award the corre- sponding combat pod. Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis Just press the Insert key during a fight to defeat your enemy. Then, during the game; T Raise level M Restore all magic Alt-F2 Increase attack power BOGUS In multiplayer, cheats effect both sides. Ctrl-Alt-Left Shift gives full energy in space dogfights.
Harvester BRUCE god mode NICK full health Click on one to jump to it. Press alt-Shift-i to skip orbit puzzle. Ultima VI You can get objects, power-up your team, and look at portraits of people in the game.
You must experiment a bit with the object list. ZZTOP web runner's archive sliding puzzle Each chest contains the items needed to finish that chapter, and an option to heal all characters.
Just use Ihe cheat trick, in conjunction with these level codes, and you can beat every chapter: Chapter Chapter 3: Chapter 5: Chapter 8: You'll help Klaymen avoid pitfallsi collect clues, and kick a little clay butt. At least, as I! Replace with the number of the mission you want to warp to. ORC Warp to any ore mission. Command and Conquer: Covert Operations Get 10,, pennies; works only three times per game.
Chaos Overlords When asked to type in your name before a one- player game, type one of these codes instead: QEEN Makes anolhet queen in the nest works only when you are underground.
RAND Gives the yellow ant full health. A little cheat magic can I speed conslmction and research. You can cast all learn- able spells, including the Spell of Mastery, and get a fair amount of mana.
Wizards also get this. HOLE Creates many more ant nest holes. JEFF Places a new black ant colony in every single tile in the yard and house.
WILL Never lose a light against a red ant. JOKE Shows a joke. SUSf Unlimited health for the yellow ant. JENN Unlimited health for the black colony. MICK Makes the spider walk backward.
FRED See how it looks if you win the game Weird Spider: Did you know that you can make the spider shoot laser beams at ants? Did you know that you can make it walk back- wards? To see these, click on the blank mys- tery button a few times.
Be careful, for you may have fo click if many times and many other strange phenomena may occur. The menu enabies these cheats: Sim Life SEED Plants seeds around world. BABY Makes every female of the selected animal species give birth. JUST Makes a funny noise. Normally barriers, toxins, mutagens, and Ultra-Food Sources can't block fly- ing animals, but while this toggle is on, not only will barriers turn into walls, but all artifacts can block flying animals.
FUND Shows a window wifh three choices. Save the game and exit. Start SimCity again and load your city. Unpause game and play. Repeat this process whenever you are low in money. Start the sce- nario. Save the game. Restart and load the saved scenario. It wili be yours! When this is used on plant species, their food and water rates are affected.
Here are the cheat codes that we know about. Pause the game. Type FUND in all-caps. You will have 10, more dollars. The simulation will not allow you to have more than that. Don't unpause the game yet or countless earth- Her face will be in a frying pani RobotsI: There is another class of life not explained in the manual, the robot. Robots are able to survive everywhere, including on rock, arctic, and ocean. Robots can evolve sentience, loo, but because they are already so advanced, they will not be able to have stone age, bronze age, or iron age cities.
They will begin civilization at the level of the industrial age. To create robots, simply place one nanotech city of any life form and set an atomic test on it. January 31, 28 Comments. It's not often these days we hear about the good things men are doing to bridge gender inequality and support women's advancement. Seems every conversation is dominated by metoo, timesup, or the myriad ways women try to punish other women for our perceived inadequacy or displaced insecurity.
Who really knows? I just want to take a second here to appreciate a good man and share my gratitude because this man took the time to get to know us women better. When J and I met he was a war correspondent covering various global conflicts.
Granted we've covered a number of issues together over the years -- reproductive rights in Central America , labor rights and sexual violence in southeast Asia , and so on -- but this last year he surprised me by taking the initiative to travel to China and explore one of the longest living matrilineal societies, all on his own. This is what he learned while he was there. Dressed in a traditional wool jacket and pantaloons, her head wrapped in an indigo turban, she sips a glass of homemade corn wine with an air of detached authority while the rest of the women make small talk.
As the head of the household, or dabu , year-old Ku Mu is the undisputed boss, in line with the traditions of the Mosuo, said to be the last matrilineal society in China and one of few left in the world. In the Mosuo language, there are no words for husband or jealousy. Lunch is spiked with tingling Sichuan pepper and eaten in comfortable silence. As soon as the men leave the room, the casual chatter picks up again among the women. Dabu turns to me with a sly grin. We like them and we need them, but we also value our freedom.
Not so in this pristine community spread across a high plateau in the Himalayan foothills between Yunnan and Sichuan provinces, where the legend of Shangri-La was born.
In the pinewood villages that ring Lugu Lake, the jewel of the Mosuo heartland, girls are preferred over boys. An estimated 40, members of the ethnic minority cling to the belief that everything vital in the world originates from a woman, earning the region the nickname Kingdom of Daughters.
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